1 Yorkville is a new condo project by Bazis Inc. and Plaza currently in preconstruction at 1 Yorkville Avenue in Toronto. The project has a total of 577 units nd 58 Story building
“1 Yorkville will be distinguished from all the other condominium projects in Toronto because of three important factors: preservation, porosity and changing perspectives,” explains Varacalli.
Yorkville is also about changing perspectives, with a magnificent tower that’s clad in what Varacalli describes as “3D wallpaper” — a facade that creates dramatic changes in light, shadow and colour based on which direction the building is being beheld from.
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Condo Facts
- Price Range:
- Square Footage:
- Move In:
- Maintenance Fees:
- Floors:
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Unit Details
- Price
- Maintenance
- Footage
- Beds
- Baths
- Terrace
- Exposure